Centennial Arts Offers Tips On How to Keep Your Clients Up-to-Date with Your Business by Using a Blog


Your business blog is an extremely useful channel for engaging customers and winning their loyalty simply by providubg blog posts on topics that demonstrate your company’s concern for satisfaction and invite comments. Along with your responses to the comments proving your business is listening to its clients with a willingness to accommodate their concerns, creating quality content that keeps them up-to-date with your business will build positive customer relationships. Our team here at Centennial Arts has compiled a list of tips on how to keep your clients up up-to-date with your business with the utilization of a blog.

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How to Improve SEO Ranking on a New Website with Centennial Arts

how to improve SEO ranking on a new website

You have a great new business idea, registered your domain name and started to build your website. How can you ensure it’s easy for Google and other search engines to discover and and rank your new website? We will discuss how to improve SEO ranking on a new website.

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SSL Security Issues on Websites and Online Stores

SSL Security Issues

When communication between parties takes place over the internet, there is always risks. If a customer is sending payment instructions to your store using your online facility, the last thing you ever want to happen is for an attacker to be capable of intercepting, reading, manipulating or replaying the HTTP request to the online application. The consequences can be unimaginable when an attacker is able to read your session cookie, or to manipulate the payee, product or billing address, or to simply inject new html or Javascript into the markup sent in response to a user request to the store. We will discuss SSL security issues on websites and online stores.

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Why Every Business Needs Content Marketing

file7891262448908For your website to be ultimately effective you need to provide content that is useful to your customers and that advances your business objectives in a measurable way. High engagement is vital and is achieved by building and maintaining a community around your content. Companies need to understand where most of their customers are most active and how they can interact and engage with them most effectively.

This all requires careful analysis and planning. Having an effective content strategy provides the framework for ensuring the content that you deliver is on these essential requirements across all relevant digital platforms.

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Custom Website Design vs. Web Templates

custom website design vs. web templates

You may be asking yourself as a business owner, “How do I get my business started and how do I continue increasing the growth of my business?” A website is one thing people must have to operate a business successfully. A website allows your customers to visit your page online whether if its a coffee, construction, bakery, restaurant, and etc. website. The main thing you want to keep in mind is where do you see your business going in the next five to ten years. If you want your business to expand and continue to grow then its best to have a custom website made by a professional website design company. Therefore, we will discuss the benefits of custom website design vs. web templates. Continue reading Custom Website Design vs. Web Templates

Why Mock-ups for custom design are bad for a business?

How many times have you told someone that you wanted them to custom design some product such as a house, website, etc. that can be done your way with certain features and aesthetics? Later, it turns out it wasn’t done at all the way you expected. In these cases, this can be the result of what is called a mock-up being presented, which can lead to expecting something with certain assumptions of quality and specific details, but then it turns out too generic or does not fit to your needs, goals, or standards at all. Mock-ups are very common, and are also the reason why businesses complain often about “Why they don’t get the results they want the first time around?”. Mock-ups are commonly used in a custom design situation with the intent to show a graphical version of what appears to be the final or nearly final product. Continue reading Why Mock-ups for custom design are bad for a business?

Comparison on Website Design Companies


Let’s face it; there’s a lot of web design companies out there. So what makes many customers choose popular and widely advertised sites such as Go Daddy, Intuit, and 1&1? After comparing and contrasting these sites, you will also be educated on why certain features of these popular sites are at fault, and what you can do about it.

You will also see examples of websites that may appear attractive and “look” like a good website, but we want to reveal why these websites are not user-friendly and the content of the other pages on the site are easily overlooked. We want to show you the importance of looking for more than attractive pictures and colors on a site’s home page…and see what features really make a difference.

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Website Insight: Do You Need a Website for Your Company?


Whether you’re a barber, plumber, restaurant owner, jewelry maker, massage therapist, or non-profit organization, a website is extremely essential in today’s viral market and digital economy. The use of the internet has been vastly growing and so many things are now accessed online or through mobile services. Advanced technology and online services are heavily involved and a big part of our everyday lives. We continue to value the importance of accessibility, efficiency, visualization, entertainment, and productivity in our products and services.

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Self-Employed? Tools for Support


In the world of self-employment, getting stuff done in an easy and efficient way can sometimes be…well, difficult. Self-employed workers also know the value of the dollar and are willing to do anything they can to increase their marketing and sales in an effective yet affordable way, as well as saving time. With simple tools such as Skype, Google Voice, and others, you can save money while building your professional network and portfolio.

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