Why is the U.S. Surrendering Control of the Internet?

Why is the U.S. Surrendering Control of the Internet?

There was a recent announcement that, by prior arrangement, ICANN will be cut loose on October 1, 2016 from its sole government steward, the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). It will become answerable to multiple stakeholders worldwide, including countries, businesses and technical bodies. Many may be wondering, “What does this mean?” or “Why is the U.S. surrendering control of the Internet?” We will answer these questions and how this might affect you.

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GigCity Broadband Service in Bryan/College Station

imagesOn July 9, 2015 Suddenlink announced that it would be offering an Internet service with an up to 1 Gigabit per second download speed throughout Bryan/College Station, making this area the first Suddenlink-served community in Texas to receive this service. Suddenlink also announced that it has increased other residential Internet speeds at no additional cost to customers.

Experts say this puts Bryan/College Station in an elite class to which only parts of some major U.S. cities have access.

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Importance of Having Your Own Domain Name for Your Business

Importance of Having Your Own Domain Name for Your Business

When it comes to searching for information, the most common approach for people is to go on the Internet and search for mostly anything online. They often use search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. to find information about a particular subject. Most people are interested in checking out a specific website such as www.movies.com. Almost everything you see on the internet has a web address, which identifies the location of specific web page on the Internet such as http://www.usajobs.gov. Before we discuss how to register for a domain, we will discuss what a domain name is, the importance of having your own domain name for your business.  Continue reading Importance of Having Your Own Domain Name for Your Business

Why people should switch from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 9?

Many people are familiar with Internet Explorer when it was first created in early 90s. The purpose of upgrading to each version is to promote the browser by improving the features in order to be more efficient and make it more useful for people to use Internet Explorer.  If you want to be able to browse faster on the Internet, have a more secure  browser, then the first step is to have the latest operating system that is still supported by Microsoft (Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2) for your PC.(1).  Keeping the browser up-to-date will be your best option if you are using any of the operating systems. The best thing about upgrading Internet Explorer is that it is free to download as long you meet the requirements on your basic operating system. Continue reading Why people should switch from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 9?

Comparison on all Major Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome

You may be asking yourself a question “Do all web browsers perform the same?” Some may say yes but others may not have any idea. Everyone knows that all web browsers can be easy to download and no cost guarantee. At certain times in our lives, we are use to handling one browser and ignoring the rest like we do in social networks. Continue reading Comparison on all Major Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome

Self-Employed? Tools for Support


In the world of self-employment, getting stuff done in an easy and efficient way can sometimes be…well, difficult. Self-employed workers also know the value of the dollar and are willing to do anything they can to increase their marketing and sales in an effective yet affordable way, as well as saving time. With simple tools such as Skype, Google Voice, and others, you can save money while building your professional network and portfolio.

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America….the Free?: the SOPA scare


“Imagine a world without free knowledge…without free information.” –Wikipedia

We would have to start paying for what we once used to get for free, which could cause many popular sites and search engines to stop their services. This would mean no more social media such as Facebook and Twitter, no more study or work break entertainment such as YouTube, no more catching up on your favorite TV shows you missed last night on Hulu, and Heaven forbid, no more searching for anything on Google or Wikipedia.

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?
Continue reading America….the Free?: the SOPA scare

How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft: Online Hackers

How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Zappos, a very large online retailer, had it’s system hacked into and accessed credit card information of 24 million customers. This is why all online users need to know the importance of taking proper precautions to protect yourself against identity theft and the steps to achieving this. We have put together some information on how to protect yourself against identity theft.

Continue reading How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft: Online Hackers