Houston Area Races 2011

As a follow-up to the article on 5ks around Texas, here’s a more detailed, comprehensive list of 5ks, 10ks, fun runs, and other races which will take place in Houston and the surrounding areas over the summer and fall in 2011. These races are a great way to benefit non-profit organizations and other good causes, while also meeting new people and gaining a new sense of community in a city as huge as Houston.

Continue reading Houston Area Races 2011

iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

I know that one of the following scenarios, or one like them, has happened to you at some point:

Husband: So yeah, my iPhone…well, let’s just say it doesn’t swim as well as you’d think, given all the other cool things it can do. And before you ask, I already put it in rice. Nada.
Me: *sigh
Husband: Look on the bright side. The new iPhone 4 just came out. *nudge, nudge.

Continue reading iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

5Ks Across Texas 2011

You’ve spent all spring getting yourself in shape and swimsuit ready. How about putting all that hard-earned muscle to work by running in a 5K, or maybe even a 10K? Even if you haven’t been working out, you can still participate in a race or two this summer!  All it takes is some heart and determination, and a good cause. Most all these races raise money to benefit a non-profit foundation or business. Here’s a quick snapshot of some such races around this great state. Continue reading 5Ks Across Texas 2011