Why Mock-ups for custom design are bad for a business?

How many times have you told someone that you wanted them to custom design some product such as a house, website, etc. that can be done your way with certain features and aesthetics? Later, it turns out it wasn’t done at all the way you expected. In these cases, this can be the result of what is called a mock-up being presented, which can lead to expecting something with certain assumptions of quality and specific details, but then it turns out too generic or does not fit to your needs, goals, or standards at all. Mock-ups are very common, and are also the reason why businesses complain often about “Why they don’t get the results they want the first time around?”. Mock-ups are commonly used in a custom design situation with the intent to show a graphical version of what appears to be the final or nearly final product. Continue reading Why Mock-ups for custom design are bad for a business?

Why more companies are switching over from 3G to 4G network on Androids?

Some people don’t know what the difference is between 3G and 4G. Many may ask the question, “Why is 4G better then 3G?” People want faster downloads, access Wi-Fi instead of paying for their Data plan every month as well as stream music and videos faster. The cool thing is that people can multitask whenever they are talking to their friends or boss over the phone while at the same time using MapQuest to get directions to their favorite restaurant for a lunch meeting for instance. Overall, choosing a network may depend on what type of business you have; moreover, what your business needs. Continue reading Why more companies are switching over from 3G to 4G network on Androids?

Comparison on all Major Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome

You may be asking yourself a question “Do all web browsers perform the same?” Some may say yes but others may not have any idea. Everyone knows that all web browsers can be easy to download and no cost guarantee. At certain times in our lives, we are use to handling one browser and ignoring the rest like we do in social networks. Continue reading Comparison on all Major Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome