How Much Does it Cost to Design a Website?

How much does it cost to design a website?

Running a business can be expensive. Somebody is asking for money everywhere you look, whether it’s another monthly subscription for the latest industry software, an annual marketing conference or a 1-day workshop that you just can’t miss. All of these costs can definitely add up. So, how can you justify spending 3K-10K on a brand new website? One of the very first questions we get asked by prospects looking to build a website is “How much does it cost to design a website?” The answer to this question can vary from business to business depending on your needs. We will answer this question and explain why the cost of a website can vary so greatly.

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Destination Website Development Services with Centennial Arts

website development services

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Your customers do their research online, trust social media reviews and even book their transportation and accommodations online. For your business to thrive, having a professional destination website is an essential tool. Centennial Arts offers destination website development services custom designed to your needs.

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Centennial Arts Offers Website Services for the Auto Industry

Our team at Centennial Arts provides the automotive industry with advanced website design and Internet marketing solutions — making your website your online showroom. Working with numerous manufacturers, franchises and independent dealerships, our focus is to deliver outstanding customer service and professional expertise with a personal approach.

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Investing in a Website with Centennial Arts

investing in a website

A new year is upon us. Therefore, as a business owner, you have probably already begun planning how you can make 2017 your best year. Fresh new marketing initiatives and new targets for sales have likely been topics of discussion, but what about making ‘digital’ a real focus for your business in 2017? Here are few of the many reasons why investing in a website is essential for success. A website is the first step toward getting significant results in the digital aspect part of your marketing efforts.

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What is Outsourcing: Everything You Need to Know About Outsourcing

What is Outsourcing?

A common question among many is “What is outsourcing?” Doing your best work requires outsourcing. You may be doing your business more harm than good if you’re so “do-it-yourself” that tasks are slowing down that aren’t part of your expertise, or if you spend too much time on tasks that don’t directly generate income. We will discuss “What is outsourcing?” and how it can benefit your business.

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Why Every Business Needs Content Marketing

file7891262448908For your website to be ultimately effective you need to provide content that is useful to your customers and that advances your business objectives in a measurable way. High engagement is vital and is achieved by building and maintaining a community around your content. Companies need to understand where most of their customers are most active and how they can interact and engage with them most effectively.

This all requires careful analysis and planning. Having an effective content strategy provides the framework for ensuring the content that you deliver is on these essential requirements across all relevant digital platforms.

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Preparing Your Online Store for the Holidays

Preparing Your Online Store for the Holidays

The holiday season is almost always the most profitable time if year for many online businesses. Not only does the last quarter of year see increases in the number of orders, but the average size of the order tends to be much bigger as well. In fact, the majority of retailers make most of the yearly revenue in the last quarter alone. The following are just a few tips on preparing your online store for the holidays.

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Benefits of Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

With the release of a new update to Google’s Search Engine algorithm, there’s been a change in the way Google ranks and lists websites. Websites that are optimized for mobile browsers are now being rewarded with a better “score” from Google. Before this update was rolled out, all you needed to stay up in the rankings on Google’s search engine was a well built and optimized desktop-oriented website. However, with mobile traffic accounting for over half of those who are browsing the internet, there is a large opportunity for benefit. Therefore, we will discuss the benefits of search engine optimization for mobile devices.

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Custom Website Design vs. Web Templates

custom website design vs. web templates

You may be asking yourself as a business owner, “How do I get my business started and how do I continue increasing the growth of my business?” A website is one thing people must have to operate a business successfully. A website allows your customers to visit your page online whether if its a coffee, construction, bakery, restaurant, and etc. website. The main thing you want to keep in mind is where do you see your business going in the next five to ten years. If you want your business to expand and continue to grow then its best to have a custom website made by a professional website design company. Therefore, we will discuss the benefits of custom website design vs. web templates. Continue reading Custom Website Design vs. Web Templates

Why Mock-ups for custom design are bad for a business?

How many times have you told someone that you wanted them to custom design some product such as a house, website, etc. that can be done your way with certain features and aesthetics? Later, it turns out it wasn’t done at all the way you expected. In these cases, this can be the result of what is called a mock-up being presented, which can lead to expecting something with certain assumptions of quality and specific details, but then it turns out too generic or does not fit to your needs, goals, or standards at all. Mock-ups are very common, and are also the reason why businesses complain often about “Why they don’t get the results they want the first time around?”. Mock-ups are commonly used in a custom design situation with the intent to show a graphical version of what appears to be the final or nearly final product. Continue reading Why Mock-ups for custom design are bad for a business?