Virtualization versus Dedicated Servers

_DSC7685For the sake of this article we are going to focus on the virtualization of a dedicated server using a software product. While some people may argue this isn’t a true cloud environment until some other factors are addressed, we will keep things simple here. Products that could be used to achieve virtualization might be VMWare, Virtuozzo, Xen/Citrix, Hyper-V, or any other flavor you might be comfortable using in a production environment. While each version has it’s own pros and cons, we will focus on the general idea of virtualization as a whole and what it can do for your business.

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Website Insight: Do You Need a Website for Your Company?


Whether you’re a barber, plumber, restaurant owner, jewelry maker, massage therapist, or non-profit organization, a website is extremely essential in today’s viral market and digital economy. The use of the internet has been vastly growing and so many things are now accessed online or through mobile services. Advanced technology and online services are heavily involved and a big part of our everyday lives. We continue to value the importance of accessibility, efficiency, visualization, entertainment, and productivity in our products and services.

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