Virtualization versus Dedicated Servers

_DSC7685For the sake of this article we are going to focus on the virtualization of a dedicated server using a software product. While some people may argue this isn’t a true cloud environment until some other factors are addressed, we will keep things simple here. Products that could be used to achieve virtualization might be VMWare, Virtuozzo, Xen/Citrix, Hyper-V, or any other flavor you might be comfortable using in a production environment. While each version has it’s own pros and cons, we will focus on the general idea of virtualization as a whole and what it can do for your business.

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Virtualization and CPUs


In an attempt to better determine how to leverage more CPU power for our virtual server, I started searching to web for beneficial information on adjustments and considerations to make. I was particularly concerned with Hyperthreading at the time. I found a good article by Intel which covers this and more. Check the resources section at the bottom of this article to get more information since they cover many important consideration. I will provide a brief conclusion from information I gained from this article. Continue reading Virtualization and CPUs