Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Branch Out, and Pinterest?

In today’s personal and business environment, social media has become part of our every day life. The question most people ask, how do we use these social media websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, BranchOut, and Pinterest?  What are the benefits of integrating social media to my website? Here are some tips and tools for making the most of your social media websites…and if you don’t have any, here’s why you need to get them:

Continue reading Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Branch Out, and Pinterest?

Comparison on Website Design Companies


Let’s face it; there’s a lot of web design companies out there. So what makes many customers choose popular and widely advertised sites such as Go Daddy, Intuit, and 1&1? After comparing and contrasting these sites, you will also be educated on why certain features of these popular sites are at fault, and what you can do about it.

You will also see examples of websites that may appear attractive and “look” like a good website, but we want to reveal why these websites are not user-friendly and the content of the other pages on the site are easily overlooked. We want to show you the importance of looking for more than attractive pictures and colors on a site’s home page…and see what features really make a difference.

Continue reading Comparison on Website Design Companies

Love Your Laptop: Tips To Keep Your Laptop Running Smoothly

tips to keep your laptop running smoothly

Do you want a long-term relationship with your technology? Taking care of your personal technology is essential if you want them to live long, healthy lives. We have put together a few tips to keep your laptop running smoothly, saving you money in the long run.

Continue reading Love Your Laptop: Tips To Keep Your Laptop Running Smoothly

America….the Free?: the SOPA scare


“Imagine a world without free knowledge…without free information.” –Wikipedia

We would have to start paying for what we once used to get for free, which could cause many popular sites and search engines to stop their services. This would mean no more social media such as Facebook and Twitter, no more study or work break entertainment such as YouTube, no more catching up on your favorite TV shows you missed last night on Hulu, and Heaven forbid, no more searching for anything on Google or Wikipedia.

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?
Continue reading America….the Free?: the SOPA scare

Top 10: Hottest Technology of 2012



Every year, new and improved devices of technology hit the consumer market. From products such as 3D TVs, touch-screen TVs, and super slim digital cameras, the new year has a lot of exciting technology that will not only boost the consumer market even more, but also show how America is constantly being updated, technologically advanced, and more efficient.

Check out the newly advanced tech toys of 2012.




Continue reading Top 10: Hottest Technology of 2012

Houston Area Races 2011

As a follow-up to the article on 5ks around Texas, here’s a more detailed, comprehensive list of 5ks, 10ks, fun runs, and other races which will take place in Houston and the surrounding areas over the summer and fall in 2011. These races are a great way to benefit non-profit organizations and other good causes, while also meeting new people and gaining a new sense of community in a city as huge as Houston.

Continue reading Houston Area Races 2011

iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

I know that one of the following scenarios, or one like them, has happened to you at some point:

Husband: So yeah, my iPhone…well, let’s just say it doesn’t swim as well as you’d think, given all the other cool things it can do. And before you ask, I already put it in rice. Nada.
Me: *sigh
Husband: Look on the bright side. The new iPhone 4 just came out. *nudge, nudge.

Continue reading iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

5Ks Across Texas 2011

You’ve spent all spring getting yourself in shape and swimsuit ready. How about putting all that hard-earned muscle to work by running in a 5K, or maybe even a 10K? Even if you haven’t been working out, you can still participate in a race or two this summer!  All it takes is some heart and determination, and a good cause. Most all these races raise money to benefit a non-profit foundation or business. Here’s a quick snapshot of some such races around this great state. Continue reading 5Ks Across Texas 2011