Data Privacy Day: How to Keep Your Private Data Protected

Data Privacy DayToday is #DataPrivacyDay! In today’s world, cyber security is a growing concern. We observe this day as a reminder to protect and safeguard private data. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your private data protected.

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Why We Love Doing Websites for Small Businesses

Small Businesses

Our team here at Centennial Arts loves working with small and family owned companies and being a part of their growth and success. Small businesses rightfully deserve their own special week (April 30 – May 6, 2017). While they may be small, they are special and unique to the industry for many reasons. Here’s just a few of the many reasons we love doing websites for small businesses!

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What to Avoid with Search Engine Optimization

What to Avoid with Search Engine Optimization

To get the most of your website SEO, you need the services of one of the best search engine consultants with expertise in harnessing the whole range of activities, from the technical to the creative. Some digital marketing services in their overt enthusiasm to push the limits of search engine optimization often miss the fine line between what is correct and what will not work. Here are a few examples of what to avoid with search engine optimization.

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Shopify vs. Magento: What’s the Difference?

Shopify vs. Magento

Choice of eCommerce platform is essential to your online store’s success. It’s what allows you to scale your operations and grow. There’s a popular debate on whether Shopify vs. Magento is right for successful online stores. We will discuss the differences between Shopify vs. Magento to help you with this decision.

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How to Improve SEO Ranking on a New Website with Centennial Arts

how to improve SEO ranking on a new website

You have a great new business idea, registered your domain name and started to build your website. How can you ensure it’s easy for Google and other search engines to discover and and rank your new website? We will discuss how to improve SEO ranking on a new website.

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Benefits of Using an eCommerce Quoting System

Using an eCommerce Quoting System: Quote Totals 3

The “Request a Quote” functionality can be a powerful tool for your eCommerce store. It can help you to successfully get conversions and an increase in purchases on your eCommerce store. Here are a few of the many benefits of using an eCommerce quoting system.

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Benefits of Business Class Email Services from Centennial Arts

benefits of business class email services - Webmail

Versatility and adaptability are the key to success in business these days. We know our clients need a user-friendly, easy access email service that they can access quickly and on the go. Therefore, we offer business class email services customized for your domain and user-friendly from all devices, including your smartphones. The following are a few of the many benefits of business class email services.

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Benefits of Responsive Website Design for Your Business

benefits of responsive website design

People want to be able to visit your website while they’re “on-the-go”. Therefore, having a mobile-friendly website is essential for success. We will discuss a few of the many benefits of responsive website design for your business.

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Apple Planning Revamped Music Streaming Service with Marketing Blitz

Streaming Service - Logitech Solar Keyboard Folio

After the first iteration of the Apple music streaming service product met with tepid reviews and several executives brought in to revive the company’s music strategy departed, Apple is planning on sweeping changes to its year-old product. The company is altering the user interface of Apple Music to make it more intuitive to use, according to people familiar with the produced who asked to not be identified because the plans aren’t public. There is also plans by Apple to better integrate its streaming and downloading businesses and expand its online radio service, the people said. The reboot is expected to be introduced at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

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