MailChimp Integration with Magento

Integrating Mailchip with Magento is great for those looking to segment, personalize and automate by purchase history. This article will discuss some of the many features this integration provides.

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GigCity Broadband Service in Bryan/College Station

imagesOn July 9, 2015 Suddenlink announced that it would be offering an Internet service with an up to 1 Gigabit per second download speed throughout Bryan/College Station, making this area the first Suddenlink-served community in Texas to receive this service. Suddenlink also announced that it has increased other residential Internet speeds at no additional cost to customers.

Experts say this puts Bryan/College Station in an elite class to which only parts of some major U.S. cities have access.

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Why Every Business Needs Content Marketing

file7891262448908For your website to be ultimately effective you need to provide content that is useful to your customers and that advances your business objectives in a measurable way. High engagement is vital and is achieved by building and maintaining a community around your content. Companies need to understand where most of their customers are most active and how they can interact and engage with them most effectively.

This all requires careful analysis and planning. Having an effective content strategy provides the framework for ensuring the content that you deliver is on these essential requirements across all relevant digital platforms.

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Website Insight: Do You Need a Website for Your Company?


Whether you’re a barber, plumber, restaurant owner, jewelry maker, massage therapist, or non-profit organization, a website is extremely essential in today’s viral market and digital economy. The use of the internet has been vastly growing and so many things are now accessed online or through mobile services. Advanced technology and online services are heavily involved and a big part of our everyday lives. We continue to value the importance of accessibility, efficiency, visualization, entertainment, and productivity in our products and services.

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Self-Employed? Tools for Support


In the world of self-employment, getting stuff done in an easy and efficient way can sometimes be…well, difficult. Self-employed workers also know the value of the dollar and are willing to do anything they can to increase their marketing and sales in an effective yet affordable way, as well as saving time. With simple tools such as Skype, Google Voice, and others, you can save money while building your professional network and portfolio.

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Top 10: Hottest Technology of 2012



Every year, new and improved devices of technology hit the consumer market. From products such as 3D TVs, touch-screen TVs, and super slim digital cameras, the new year has a lot of exciting technology that will not only boost the consumer market even more, but also show how America is constantly being updated, technologically advanced, and more efficient.

Check out the newly advanced tech toys of 2012.




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QR Codes: Effective or Useless?


Why QR Codes are Effective:

Opinions vary across the charts discussing whether QR codes are really effective or a waste of money, time and space. Many associate these codes as only links to a company website, but they may not realize how much more it can actually do. Just to name a few, you can receive text, add an electronic business card (vCard), compose emails and texts after scanning the code, and of course, upload a URI or URL to your smart phone3.
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