What is IndexNow?

What We Know

IndexNow is an open source and open to all participating search engines. When certain content is published or updated on a website, IndexNow notifies all participating search engines, in turn this reduces the time for indexing dramatically. How it does this is by changing the content discovery to the push method where a CMS such as WordPress tells the search engines when the content is published or has been updated. This is beneficial because it takes away the wait time for search engines to try and discover the content. Instead, the search engines know about it right away and they can visit the site to grab the new or updated pages.

Why This Is Important

Search engines have been accessing content the same way for way to long. If you are not a large website with a lot of traffic, chances are it can be days or even weeks before a search engine accesses your site and indexes new or updated pages. This can cost you important traffic to competitors. With IndexNow, an open-source protocol, websites can index across search engines, updating results based upon the latest content changes, immediately. In a simpler form, a ping is sent to notify search engines that a URL and its content has been added, updated or even deleted, which improves efficiency.

How it Works

Search engines obtain data through a push and pull operative.

  1. Pull: a search engine visits your site to request web pages and gather data from the server.
  2. Push: a web publisher or content management system notifies the search engine that pages have been added, deleted, or have any other changes have been made.

Where IndexNow differs, is that it allows all URLs submitted to any indexNow enabled search engine to be simultaneously submitted to all the other search engines using the protocol.

How Do You Use It?

It is pretty straightforward when it comes to IndexNow

  1. Generate an API Key- this is submitted alongside URLs to ensure ownership of the domain. You can use an online key generator tool for this
  2. Host API Key- Your API key is hosted on the root directory in a text format
  3. Submit URLs with Parameters- You can either submit URLs individually or in bulk. Submit your key location as a parameter.
  4. Check your submissions- using the Bing Webmaster tools, you can verify which URLs have been submitted and discovered.

So Who is Using It?

IndexNow is still fairly new, at the time of publication, only Bing and Yandex were using IndexNow.

There is confirmation that Google will be testing IndexNow, they have no confirmed whether or not they will use it but just the fact that they are willing to experiment with it says a lot about its potential.

Other Uses and FAQs

  • You can provide search engines with a list of up to 10,000 URLs with a single API call.
  • The sooner your pages are indexed, the more quickly they can start competing for high-ranking search engine spots

Why Every Business Needs Content Marketing

file7891262448908For your website to be ultimately effective you need to provide content that is useful to your customers and that advances your business objectives in a measurable way. High engagement is vital and is achieved by building and maintaining a community around your content. Companies need to understand where most of their customers are most active and how they can interact and engage with them most effectively.

This all requires careful analysis and planning. Having an effective content strategy provides the framework for ensuring the content that you deliver is on these essential requirements across all relevant digital platforms.

Continue reading Why Every Business Needs Content Marketing

Benefits of Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

With the release of a new update to Google’s Search Engine algorithm, there’s been a change in the way Google ranks and lists websites. Websites that are optimized for mobile browsers are now being rewarded with a better “score” from Google. Before this update was rolled out, all you needed to stay up in the rankings on Google’s search engine was a well built and optimized desktop-oriented website. However, with mobile traffic accounting for over half of those who are browsing the internet, there is a large opportunity for benefit. Therefore, we will discuss the benefits of search engine optimization for mobile devices.

Continue reading Benefits of Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

Products and Services that Google is offering for the customers.

People love to have their favorite apps on their devices (mobile phones and/or tablets) and on their computer even if they want to search and find something in few minutes rather than just going through Yellow Pages or calling 411 to ask for directions to certain place. Most people have common apps stored on their devices for instance they may want to know what the forecast going to be today in that particular city, if they want to play Angry Birds, check business emails or check for traffic updates. Continue reading Products and Services that Google is offering for the customers.

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Branch Out, and Pinterest?

In today’s personal and business environment, social media has become part of our every day life. The question most people ask, how do we use these social media websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, BranchOut, and Pinterest?  What are the benefits of integrating social media to my website? Here are some tips and tools for making the most of your social media websites…and if you don’t have any, here’s why you need to get them:

Continue reading Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Branch Out, and Pinterest?

America….the Free?: the SOPA scare


“Imagine a world without free knowledge…without free information.” –Wikipedia

We would have to start paying for what we once used to get for free, which could cause many popular sites and search engines to stop their services. This would mean no more social media such as Facebook and Twitter, no more study or work break entertainment such as YouTube, no more catching up on your favorite TV shows you missed last night on Hulu, and Heaven forbid, no more searching for anything on Google or Wikipedia.

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?
Continue reading America….the Free?: the SOPA scare