Is it Hard to Manage an Online Store?

Is it Hard to Manage an Online Store

Many people have turned to selling online to make money. This can be exciting for aspiring entrepreneurs to start an eCommerce store. However, there’s a lot that goes into managing an online store. You may be wondering, “Is it hard to manage an online store?” We will answer this question and what to know when managing an online store.

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caShopping: The Easiest Way to Start Selling Online

benefits of caShopping for your business

caShopping is a platform by Centennial Arts that is similar to Amazon in the sense that businesses will have their own storefronts allowing them to sell their products or services online. However, the difference is that caShopping is a performance based at no monthly cost to the seller.

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Holiday Season: Work from Home by Selling Your Products Online with caShopping!

Work from Home by Selling Your Products Online

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With more people working from home than ever, many businesses are looking for ways to increase their income. Our team at Centennial Arts is helping businesses out by offering our online caShopping platform for FREE! Learn more about how you can work from home by selling your products online with caShopping this holiday season.

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Centennial Arts’ Magento Customization Features vs. Shopify Customization Features

magento vs shopify

Centennial Arts provides Magento eCommerce design, hosting and support services. Magento is a resourceful eCommerce platform that offers a variety of features to create, form and manage online shopping stores. While Shopify has numerous customization features, let us explain why Magento is your go-to eCommerce when it comes to customization.

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Magento: Performance and Speed

There are numerous ways to ensure your customers have a good onsite experience, and one of the most talked-about factors recently is Magento performance—the speed at which your eCommerce site loads. Studies have shown that slow page load times lead to increased abandonment rates, fewer product views and poor user experience. There are many benefits of Magento’s performance and speed when compared to other eCommerce sites such as Shopify.

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How to Setup an Online Store for Apparel on Magento with Centennial Arts


When starting an online apparel store on Magento, it’s easy to become overwhelmed in procuring or manufacturing great products to sell. However, without a thoroughly thought out online store, you won’t have the ability to sell your products effectively to your target audience. This article will outline a few key considerations and tips for anyone about to start a online store using Magento.

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Sound eCommerce Hosting Services in Texas

sound eCommerce hosting services in Texas

It doesn’t take much in-depth analysis to realize that people these days spend lots of  time on the Internet. No matter if it is for your business, communication or simply for entertainment, investing in sound eCommerce hosting services in Texas that best represent your business is essential, especially to maximize the conversion rates and profits.

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How to Leverage Browser Caching by Adding Expire Headers

browser caching by adding expire headers

Reducing the number and size of informational transactions between a visitor’s web browser and your site is a significant element of fast, efficient performance, even more so during the holiday shopping season. Therefore, we will discuss how to leverage browser caching by adding expire headers.

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What is a Content Delivery Network?

What is a Content Delivery Network?

You may be wondering, “What is a Content Delivery Network?” Content delivery networks optimize the provision of web content through a system of distributed servers — a network — that shifts depending on the location of visitor. The closer the computer of the user is to a specific server, the fewer potential problems exist in terms of network bottlenecks, which boosts speed and performance. Offloading static pages, CSS style sheets, images and other content allows you to increase your eCommerce site’s ability to handle more concurrent users and improve responsiveness — two musts for the holiday shopping season. We will answer the question, “What is a Content Delivery Network?”, as well as discuss how CDNs work.

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How to Prepare Your Magento eCommerce Store for the Holiday Season

How to Prepare Your Magento eCommerce Store for the Holiday Season

Is your Magento eCommerce store ready to handle peak loads this holiday season? Are you positive it won’t crumble during the busiest online shopping days of the year? Always be aware of possible instances of slow performances or server going down. We will discus how to prepare your Magento eCommerce store for the holiday season to ensure it will handle high loads quickly and efficiently.

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