Tips to Promote Your Business During the Holidays

tips to promote your business during the holidays

During the holiday season, it can be easy to get caught up in the flurry of activity and not spend time ramping up your holiday marketing efforts. There are purchases to make, gifts to wrap and goodies to bake, as well as many other time consuming tasks. However, the holiday season is a great time for business owners to increase their profits. We have put together a few tips to promote your business during the holidays.

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How to Keep Your eCommerce Site from Crashing

how to keep your eCommerce site from crashing

Preparing your eCommerce site for a busy holiday season is an absolutely critical process that has to begin well before most shoppers start looking for gifts. No change alone will fully protect your site from the issues that commonly arise during periods of heavy traffic. Engage in planning, testing and optimization before your site is ready to weather the storm of holiday shoppers that will soon arrive. We will discuss how to keep your eCommerce site from crashing.

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Customizing Your eCommerce Store for the Holidays

Customizing Your eCommerce Store for the Holidays

With the holidays approaching quickly, it might be time for a makeover on your eCommerce site. Just as storefronts need a little holiday decoration, so do your online stores. Every year many eCommerce stores add flare to their websites for the season to show they are in the holiday spirit. This is a great and easy way to boost sales and receive more traffic from possible customers. Here are a few simple ideas for customizing your eCommerce store for the holidays.

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Preparing Your Online Store for the Holidays

Preparing Your Online Store for the Holidays

The holiday season is almost always the most profitable time if year for many online businesses. Not only does the last quarter of year see increases in the number of orders, but the average size of the order tends to be much bigger as well. In fact, the majority of retailers make most of the yearly revenue in the last quarter alone. The following are just a few tips on preparing your online store for the holidays.

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