Using Responsive Website Design to Improve Marketing Strategy

using responsive website design to improve marketing

Many have heard about responsive website design. However, as marketers, sometimes we are only focusing on the specific tasks, such as creating content, developing email campaigns, building links and updating social media networks. Truthfully, if you don’t have a responsive website design, then all of the online marketing strategies we implement will not bring the full potential of results. We will discuss using responsive website design to improve marketing.
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Benefits of Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

Search Engine Optimization for Mobile Devices

With the release of a new update to Google’s Search Engine algorithm, there’s been a change in the way Google ranks and lists websites. Websites that are optimized for mobile browsers are now being rewarded with a better “score” from Google. Before this update was rolled out, all you needed to stay up in the rankings on Google’s search engine was a well built and optimized desktop-oriented website. However, with mobile traffic accounting for over half of those who are browsing the internet, there is a large opportunity for benefit. Therefore, we will discuss the benefits of search engine optimization for mobile devices.

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