Your Smartphone Holds Personal Information

People Phones

You phone probably knows more about you and your personal (as well as professional) life than you think. It knows where you’ve been and who you were with, the birthday gift you bought your mother and even who you plan to vote for.

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QR Codes: Effective or Useless?


Why QR Codes are Effective:

Opinions vary across the charts discussing whether QR codes are really effective or a waste of money, time and space. Many associate these codes as only links to a company website, but they may not realize how much more it can actually do. Just to name a few, you can receive text, add an electronic business card (vCard), compose emails and texts after scanning the code, and of course, upload a URI or URL to your smart phone3.
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iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

I know that one of the following scenarios, or one like them, has happened to you at some point:

Husband: So yeah, my iPhone…well, let’s just say it doesn’t swim as well as you’d think, given all the other cool things it can do. And before you ask, I already put it in rice. Nada.
Me: *sigh
Husband: Look on the bright side. The new iPhone 4 just came out. *nudge, nudge.

Continue reading iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.