Top 10: Hottest Technology of 2012



Every year, new and improved devices of technology hit the consumer market. From products such as 3D TVs, touch-screen TVs, and super slim digital cameras, the new year has a lot of exciting technology that will not only boost the consumer market even more, but also show how America is constantly being updated, technologically advanced, and more efficient.

Check out the newly advanced tech toys of 2012.




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QR Codes: Effective or Useless?


Why QR Codes are Effective:

Opinions vary across the charts discussing whether QR codes are really effective or a waste of money, time and space. Many associate these codes as only links to a company website, but they may not realize how much more it can actually do. Just to name a few, you can receive text, add an electronic business card (vCard), compose emails and texts after scanning the code, and of course, upload a URI or URL to your smart phone3.
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An Intro to Hexadecimal


If you work with computers on some level beyond Microsoft Office or browsing the net, at some point, you will run across hexadecimals. What are they and why do people bother using them when they seem something better left for assembly programmers?

Hexadecimal is just a base-16 number system. Because we grew up in a society where most of us has 10 fingers, we use the base 10 decimal system for the most part. In hex, in addition to the numerals 0-9 to represent values zero through nine, we also have letters A-F to represent values ten through fifteen. Continue reading An Intro to Hexadecimal