Comparison of Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook

Emailing is the most popular way of sending messages using a corporate email account instead of relying on Google Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and etc. Most of the time if you want to provide use safely to your own security setting, then a business email software is more useful than using a personal email account. This will prevent you from receiving spam/junk mail in your inbox. It will help you protect your email system and alerts you before opening the message. Today, I will be explaining the differences between the Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook. Continue reading Comparison of Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook

Comparison on all Major Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome

You may be asking yourself a question “Do all web browsers perform the same?” Some may say yes but others may not have any idea. Everyone knows that all web browsers can be easy to download and no cost guarantee. At certain times in our lives, we are use to handling one browser and ignoring the rest like we do in social networks. Continue reading Comparison on all Major Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome