Importance of Having Your Own Domain Name for Your Business

Importance of Having Your Own Domain Name for Your Business

When it comes to searching for information, the most common approach for people is to go on the Internet and search for mostly anything online. They often use search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. to find information about a particular subject. Most people are interested in checking out a specific website such as Almost everything you see on the internet has a web address, which identifies the location of specific web page on the Internet such as Before we discuss how to register for a domain, we will discuss what a domain name is, the importance of having your own domain name for your business.  Continue reading Importance of Having Your Own Domain Name for Your Business

Free Email Services vs. Professional Email Services

free email services vs. professional email services - email spam

Are free email services worth the price? According to CMIT Solutions, free, web-based email services like Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail are increasing the gap of security. Spammers use fake return email addresses all the time, but if the return address belongs to an acquaintance of yours, chances are that person’s actual account (and address book) has been hacked into. We will discuss the differences between free email services vs. professional email services.

Continue reading Free Email Services vs. Professional Email Services