Top 10: Hottest Technology of 2012



Every year, new and improved devices of technology hit the consumer market. From products such as 3D TVs, touch-screen TVs, and super slim digital cameras, the new year has a lot of exciting technology that will not only boost the consumer market even more, but also show how America is constantly being updated, technologically advanced, and more efficient.

Check out the newly advanced tech toys of 2012.




Continue reading Top 10: Hottest Technology of 2012

QR Codes: Effective or Useless?


Why QR Codes are Effective:

Opinions vary across the charts discussing whether QR codes are really effective or a waste of money, time and space. Many associate these codes as only links to a company website, but they may not realize how much more it can actually do. Just to name a few, you can receive text, add an electronic business card (vCard), compose emails and texts after scanning the code, and of course, upload a URI or URL to your smart phone3.
Continue reading QR Codes: Effective or Useless?

Houston Area Races 2011

As a follow-up to the article on 5ks around Texas, here’s a more detailed, comprehensive list of 5ks, 10ks, fun runs, and other races which will take place in Houston and the surrounding areas over the summer and fall in 2011. These races are a great way to benefit non-profit organizations and other good causes, while also meeting new people and gaining a new sense of community in a city as huge as Houston.

Continue reading Houston Area Races 2011

iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

I know that one of the following scenarios, or one like them, has happened to you at some point:

Husband: So yeah, my iPhone…well, let’s just say it doesn’t swim as well as you’d think, given all the other cool things it can do. And before you ask, I already put it in rice. Nada.
Me: *sigh
Husband: Look on the bright side. The new iPhone 4 just came out. *nudge, nudge.

Continue reading iCloud: Showering all your Apple devices with equal love.

5Ks Across Texas 2011

You’ve spent all spring getting yourself in shape and swimsuit ready. How about putting all that hard-earned muscle to work by running in a 5K, or maybe even a 10K? Even if you haven’t been working out, you can still participate in a race or two this summer!  All it takes is some heart and determination, and a good cause. Most all these races raise money to benefit a non-profit foundation or business. Here’s a quick snapshot of some such races around this great state. Continue reading 5Ks Across Texas 2011

The Starlight Music Series @ Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheatre

Looking for something to do on these long summer weekends, but don’t want to drive to Houston or Austin? How about some free live music right here in the B/CS? The Starlight Music Series at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater has been a highlight of the summer since 2004, when such notable musicians as Jerry Jeff Walker and Bruce Robinson kicked off what would become a tradition here in Aggieland. Continue reading The Starlight Music Series @ Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheatre

Wedded Bliss…Here’s How

It’s that season again.  There are things people have to think about such as gowns, heels, tuxes, cake, happiness, stress, and etc. Most everyone will, in some way, be involved with at least one wedding this summer or fall, whether an attendee, a part of the wedding party, or the lucky bride or groom yourself. In a time when etiquette and traditions are being questioned, or thrown out all together, it’s sometimes hard to know what is acceptable in each of these roles. Having walked a mile (or two) in all their shoes, except the groom’s, of course, I’ve come up with some simple tips and suggestions to help ease these etiquette aches and protocol pains. Continue reading Wedded Bliss…Here’s How

Short Discourse on Unicode


Some people are under the misconception that Unicode is simply a 16-bit code where each character takes 16 bits and therefore there are 65,536 possible characters. This is not actually correct. It is the single most common myth about Unicode, so if you thought that, don’t feel bad.

In fact, Unicode makes you think a different way about encoding characters. Until now, we’ve assumed that a letter maps to some bits which you can store on disk or in memory:

A -> 0100 0001 Continue reading Short Discourse on Unicode

An Intro to Hexadecimal


If you work with computers on some level beyond Microsoft Office or browsing the net, at some point, you will run across hexadecimals. What are they and why do people bother using them when they seem something better left for assembly programmers?

Hexadecimal is just a base-16 number system. Because we grew up in a society where most of us has 10 fingers, we use the base 10 decimal system for the most part. In hex, in addition to the numerals 0-9 to represent values zero through nine, we also have letters A-F to represent values ten through fifteen. Continue reading An Intro to Hexadecimal

Virtualization and CPUs


In an attempt to better determine how to leverage more CPU power for our virtual server, I started searching to web for beneficial information on adjustments and considerations to make. I was particularly concerned with Hyperthreading at the time. I found a good article by Intel which covers this and more. Check the resources section at the bottom of this article to get more information since they cover many important consideration. I will provide a brief conclusion from information I gained from this article. Continue reading Virtualization and CPUs