How to Leverage Browser Caching by Adding Expire Headers

browser caching by adding expire headers

Reducing the number and size of informational transactions between a visitor’s web browser and your site is a significant element of fast, efficient performance, even more so during the holiday shopping season. Therefore, we will discuss how to leverage browser caching by adding expire headers.

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What is a Content Delivery Network?

What is a Content Delivery Network?

You may be wondering, “What is a Content Delivery Network?” Content delivery networks optimize the provision of web content through a system of distributed servers — a network — that shifts depending on the location of visitor. The closer the computer of the user is to a specific server, the fewer potential problems exist in terms of network bottlenecks, which boosts speed and performance. Offloading static pages, CSS style sheets, images and other content allows you to increase your eCommerce site’s ability to handle more concurrent users and improve responsiveness — two musts for the holiday shopping season. We will answer the question, “What is a Content Delivery Network?”, as well as discuss how CDNs work.

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How to Keep Your eCommerce Site from Crashing

how to keep your eCommerce site from crashing

Preparing your eCommerce site for a busy holiday season is an absolutely critical process that has to begin well before most shoppers start looking for gifts. No change alone will fully protect your site from the issues that commonly arise during periods of heavy traffic. Engage in planning, testing and optimization before your site is ready to weather the storm of holiday shoppers that will soon arrive. We will discuss how to keep your eCommerce site from crashing.

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Shopify vs. Magento: What’s the Difference?

Shopify vs. Magento

Choice of eCommerce platform is essential to your online store’s success. It’s what allows you to scale your operations and grow. There’s a popular debate on whether Shopify vs. Magento is right for successful online stores. We will discuss the differences between Shopify vs. Magento to help you with this decision.

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How to Combine SEO and SEM for Your Marketing Campaign to Ensure Success

how to combine SEO and SEM for your marketing campaign: SEO vs SEM

There are numerous ways in which SEO and SEM efforts complement each other, and lead to a more successful strategy. We will discuss how to combine SEO and SEM for your marketing campaign to ensure success.

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The Benefits of SEM for eCommerce

SEMThere is no doubt that SEM is crucial for any website. However, there are a few reasons why eCommerce websites specifically should pay close attention to their paid search strategy. We will discuss the benefits of SEM for eCommerce.

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Benefits of Using an eCommerce Quoting System

Using an eCommerce Quoting System: Quote Totals 3

The “Request a Quote” functionality can be a powerful tool for your eCommerce store. It can help you to successfully get conversions and an increase in purchases on your eCommerce store. Here are a few of the many benefits of using an eCommerce quoting system.

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SSL Security Issues on Websites and Online Stores

SSL Security Issues

When communication between parties takes place over the internet, there is always risks. If a customer is sending payment instructions to your store using your online facility, the last thing you ever want to happen is for an attacker to be capable of intercepting, reading, manipulating or replaying the HTTP request to the online application. The consequences can be unimaginable when an attacker is able to read your session cookie, or to manipulate the payee, product or billing address, or to simply inject new html or Javascript into the markup sent in response to a user request to the store. We will discuss SSL security issues on websites and online stores.

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