Using Responsive Website Design to Improve Marketing Strategy

using responsive website design to improve marketing

Many have heard about responsive website design. However, as marketers, sometimes we are only focusing on the specific tasks, such as creating content, developing email campaigns, building links and updating social media networks. Truthfully, if you don’t have a responsive website design, then all of the online marketing strategies we implement will not bring the full potential of results. We will discuss using responsive website design to improve marketing.

Using Responsive Website Design to Improve Marketing

Responsive website design allows users on any device — desktop, smartphone or tablet — to have the same experience. Some businesses choose to go with a mobile-only and desktop-only experience. However, the issue with this is the lack of consistency between the two.

Individuals who make a purchase on the desktop site will have a completely differently purchasing experience on their mobile. The most troublesome issue is typically how a mobile-only design won’t include every page that visitors will want to see.

Hence, responsive website design will help support your online marketing efforts in a few ways:

Content Marketing

When people are searching their Feedly subscriptions and posts from your blog come up, they will be able to not only read the content on their mobile device if you have a responsive website design

In addition, they will even be able to use your social sharing buttons.

Email Marketing

When individuals open an email with a responsive template, they will be able to read it no matter the device.

Additionally, when they click on a link from that email, they won’t have any issues browsing your responsive website design.

SEO Marketing

When people click on a link to your website from search engines such as Google or Bing, if you have a responsive website design, they will be able to get to that page and be able to consume the information they need.

If the page isn’t in your mobile-only design, they will get redirected to a homepage. Therefore, they will never make it to the page they want.

Social Media Marketing

When individuals click on a promotional offer from your company Facebook page on their mobile device, they will be able to purchase the product just like they would on their desktop browser.

As a result of the above online marketing strategies, this means you won’t lose any visitors coming to your website just because they are on a mobile device.


These are just a few of the many reasons using responsive website design to improve marketing is essential. It will not only make your website visitors (and your clients) happy, but it will also assist you in getting more results from your online marketing! Contact Centennial Arts with the link below for more information or to get begin your responsive website design today!

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