Customizing Your eCommerce Store for the Holidays

Customizing Your eCommerce Store for the Holidays

With the holidays approaching quickly, it might be time for a makeover on your eCommerce site. Just as storefronts need a little holiday decoration, so do your online stores. Every year many eCommerce stores add flare to their websites for the season to show they are in the holiday spirit. This is a great and easy way to boost sales and receive more traffic from possible customers. Here are a few simple ideas for customizing your eCommerce store for the holidays.

Customizing Your eCommerce Store for the Holidays

We previously discussed Preparing Your Online Store for the Holidays. The following are a few ways to customize your eCommerce website for the holidays:

Incorporating the Holiday Color Palette

This may sound obvious to some, but you are going to have to use a color palette that’s holiday-related. If you choose a Halloween or Easter color scheme, it won’t make sense to your viewers. There’s a wide variety of colors to choose from for the holidays. You don’t have to use just green and red, other colors such as golds, tans and blues will also work. Cool tones are great to use for the cool season.

Here is some holiday colors that may inspire you:

Customizing Your eCommerce Store for the Holidays - holiday color palette

Using the Right Imagery

Using appropriate imagery for your site is extremely important. The images your use need to relate to the message you are trying to relay and target to the right audience, otherwise you’ll leave them confused.

If your site is on the playful side, consider using imagery that is cheery and friendly. When choosing images for your eCommerce website, it is important to keep this in mind.

Using Festive Graphics

Using fun graphics can also create a festive-feel for your site and show you’re in the holiday spirit as well. This can achieved by adding such graphics as silhouettes or illustrations to your sliders and banners or even adding a nice patterned background to your site.

Be sure to keep things simple and organized when you do this though. Cluttered websites will cause stressed shoppers to abandon your site. It is important to consider your target audience when choosing the right graphics for your eCommerce website to match your branding.

Finding the Right Festive Font

Festive fonts on your sliders, banners, etc. can be really fun and easy way to bring out the holiday spirit for your site.

Whatever font you choose, it is important to keep things consistent. Too many decorative fonts will make your site look overwhelming and disorganized.

Use Holiday-Themed Words

A good way to connect with your customers is by using holiday-themed words throughout your website. This can be as simple as adding them to the sliders and banners, or any promotional area on your site.

Additionally, this will help add to the holiday spirit you are trying to achieve.


These are just a few ideas for customizing your eCommerce store for the holidays. Remember to keep it simple and always match your brand. All you need is a few holiday retouches here and there and you will be set. Contact Centennial Arts today to get started on the customizing your eCommerce store for the holiday season!

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