Centennial Arts Has a Special Place for Family Owned Businesses, As We Are One Too

family owned businessThere are a multitude of family owned businesses in the United States. Some have only been around for awhile, while others are just beginning. Being a family owned business ourselves, Centennial Arts understands it truly is a great journey to be a part of. Maybe it is legacy, maybe it is pride or maybe it is just good old fashioned business; regardless of what it is, going into a family business has a certain feeling of home that larger corporations just cannot match. Unfortunately, atmosphere alone is not the most effective method of marketing which has left many family owned businesses scrambling at the profitable coat tails of larger corporations. It has been going on so long that many small businesses have given up on the notion of competition due to the insurmountable odds they face. However, thanks to the advent of the Internet and the prevalence of social media among millennials, family owned businesses are making a huge comeback. Here a few things our team here at Centennial Arts can provide to ensure your family owned business website design is successful.

Establish Credibility for your Website
with Centennial Arts

Marketing and Website Design Services

Often times, family owned businesses do not invest in their online presence which can hurt their ability to create trust with their customers. There’s so much business being done online, so even if they are not buying from you or your site, customers are checking out your business on the web. This is how customers usually find you in the first place and it is the first, and sometimes only, impression they will get of your company. Website design and responsiveness are extremely crucial, but even more, is the message your website sends about you and your business.

Better Business BureauOne of the most essential ways to show trust on your website is to list third-party certifications and associations, to show that there is a real organization behind the website. Badges and seals earned through affiliating with Chambers and well-known, trusted associations are fantastic ways to show that you are a credible business. One example that offers an accreditation seal that links directly to their site and shows your business rating, reviews and more is the Better Business Bureau.

Centennial Arts Provides Security
for You and Your Clients

Marketing and Website Design Services

Investing in security for your website is also extremely critical. In a family owned business, resist the urge to rely on family members as tech support unless they truly have an expertise in the field. The quickest way to lose your customers’ trust is by neglecting security and exposing customers’ information.

internet securityCentennial Arts understands the importance of security for your website, as well as establishing credibility for your company online. Our website design packages include the latest technology features to ensure maximum security for you, as well as your customers and clients.

Centennial Arts Can Boost
Your Social Media Presence

Our Social Media Strategy

social media strategyWhile your website is important, it is mostly one-way communication. Social media now provides companies the ability to have conversations with their customers and clients. Someone in your company should be responsible in monitoring your social media outlets and to reach out to customers, but most importantly, responding to them when they reach out to you. Creating a positive dialog between you and your customers shows that you care enough to communicate with them and it even helps build trust with others who see your efforts to address issues and talk to customers. Many will be surprised how much even small efforts will improve their social media presence, their brand’s credibility and the trust their customers have in the company.


We want to understand how to best design your website for the Internet and how to make that website design accomplish your goals. Our website design team has experience with family owned businesses in Bryan, TX, College Station, TX, Houston, TX, San Antonio, TX, Dallas and Fort Worth, TX, other areas in Texas, and nationwide. If you are interested in discussing our Family Owned Business Website Design Services with us, don’t hesitate to contact our team here at Centennial Arts with the link below for more information!

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