Centennial Arts Offers Blog Content Management Services to Improve Online Marketing

blog content management services

Many have been debating whether or not a blog is important for their business, and is still relevant in today’s online marketing environment. Whether you are a small business, or a multinational company, having a blog is integral to your online content marketing strategy and here’s why.

Centennial Arts’ Content Management
Drives Traffic to your Website

Start Increasing Traffic to Your Website

Your blog provides an opportunity to create relevant content for your customers. This can be used as a marketing tactic to drive traffic back to your website.

drive traffic to your websiteYour business may be on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn or anywhere else. You can post links of your blog articles to your social sites. Give your social followers a reason to click through to your website. In addition, inbound links can be posted directly into your blog articles. This can drive traffic to specific landing pages on your website.

With Blog Content Management from
Centennial Arts your SEO/SERP Increases

Our SEO Services

Blogs significantly increase your search engine optimization (SEO). Fresh content is still an important aspect to beating out your competitors in the search engine results page.

Keywords can be used throughout your articles, as they are a significant way in which Google (and other search engines) find your site for these searched words. Simply list out the keywords, topics and categories you want your business to be found with. Use these keywords, and related expressions when writing your blog posts.

Fresh content is crucial in Google’s search engine results placement (SERP) algorithm. Since your main website pages are usually static, a business blog is the best on-site strategy to post fresh content consistently.

search engine optimizationWriting at least one article a month offers Google, and other search engines, fresh, relevant content to scan when they crawl your site. A diverse range of topics also expands your reach in user searches as well. Multiple blog article articles a month will expand this reach even further.

Blog Content Management with
Centennial Arts Drives Conversions

Increase Conversions with Centennial Arts

If the information you provide is valid, it sets up a call-to-action for a solution. Precise blogs with accurate, in-depth content demonstrate credibility and authority on a given topic. Therefore, you earn trust with someone uncertain about how to resolve an issue initially.

drive conversionsYour blog content guides the reader through the discovery phase of problem-resolution. At the end of your post, a well-executed call-to-action button or link points the reader toward the next step of the journey. Call-to-actions can link to a landing page where you provide specific solutions. Or, they could link to your Contact Us page for the reader to then make a request for additional information.

Better Customer Relationships Are Developed with
Content Management from Centennial Arts

Marketing and Website Design Services

The most effective online marketing strategies in 2017 produce high levels of engagement. Again, as your website pages are one-sided, your blog is the best on-site platform to invite conversations with potential clients, as well as current clients.

better customer relationshipsThis can be done from your social media platforms, but make sure you have time to contribute to these areas. Lack of presence and interaction on social media when individuals do engage with your content can result in a negative influence. Make sure comments on your blog are enabled to gain feedback from readers and to allow your opportunities to respond to any questions or concerns.


Are you looking to increase your online marketing results with a blog? Centennial Arts works on developing technology to help businesses grow and connect with their customers. Don’t hesitate to contact us with the link below for more information!

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