Benefits of Being a Solopreneur

Benefits of being a solopreneur

While running your own business can be difficult, there are still absolute surprises and delights as well. Here are a few of the many benefits of being a solopreneur, as well as a few helpful tips to keep in mind with solopreneurship.

Benefits of Being a Solopreneur

More Control

While there is a lot of stress that comes with being a solopreneur, there’s also a lot of control. As a solopreneur you have 100 percent control over many aspects, including the following:

  • what to put out there in terms of your business branding
  • who you work with
  • what projects you take on

Also, there is no one to scold you if an idea doesn’t work out the way you thought. Therefore, it allows you to take more risks than your normally would. Those who enjoy the absolute direct link between your effort and your reward will enjoy being a solopreneur.

Having Flexibility

Many people love having flexibility when it comes to what their company is doing.

You can work in sprints. This means you’ll often find that, without the endless meetings of corporate life, you can work when you are at your most productive state and stop working when you have used up all of your mental energy.

Sense of Accomplishment

When you’re a solopreneur, having a sense of accomplishment is even better. You may not be receiving awards and end-of-year bonuses from some higher-up boss. However, it’s still rewarding to know you created something from scratch and you are now your own boss.

This sense of accomplishment can help you to counteract many of the possible downsides of being a solopreneur.

Tips for Being a Solopreneur

Being Alone Doesn’t Have to be Lonely

Being alone can be great for those who consider themselves introverts and enjoy spending time with family and friends during non-working hours. However, there’s other ways to not feel so alone as well.

You can proactively schedule regular one-on-one in-person networking meetings or lunches with professional contacts (new or existing) once or twice per week and attend formal or informal events at least once a month.

Utilize Your Professional Network

Another powerful resource is to rely on is your professional network. Your professional network can include a collection of the following, who also left previous corporate employer to work for new corporations, agencies or even start their own businesses:

  • previous peers
  • previous team members
  • former managers

Often times, your first clients will come from these contacts. However, you can also trace the majority of your project list back, either directly or through referrals, to this professional network. Consulting is indeed a relationship business. You will be glad you took the time to develop those relationships before making the leap to your own business.

Remember to Ask

The final lesson to learn is to ask for help. It’s amazing how far you can get by simply asking, whether it be for the introduction, for help, for information, asking to meet, or even asking for the business. As the expression goes, “The worst they can say is no.”

Most people genuinely want to help, especially those who are starting out or starting over. You’ll be amazed by the graciousness of both close and casual contacts—and even contacts-of-a-contact—in giving their time, guidance, feedback and facilitating introductions.


These are just a few of the many benefits of being a solopreneur, as well a few tips for solopreneurship. Centennial Arts can help you start your solopreneurship off right with a successful website design and online marketing strategy. Contact us with the link below for more information!

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